Friday 4 September 2015

Naomi Neo and Jian Hao Tan's break up?

Hello everyone. I have ended my tests and I am back.

So Naomi and JianHao hasn't been posting photos of each other for the past few weeks. We were all wondering what happened but I think it's obvious that they have broken up. So what happened?

Now, I have to be honest. I don't know the reason for their break up this time round (I will ask my source but no promises). But what I do know is the previous few times they broke up. YES. Your favourite couple NaoHao has broken up more than once!

In my previous post, I said, "The other time JianHao Tan and Naomi Neo stopped posting photos of them for a while and people were wondering if they fought or break up?" and "What happened the one time they broke up and got back together?"

According to my source, NaoHao had a complicated relationship. If you were wondering, they were not a PR couple, they were not together for more video views or likes. They were truly in love but they have broken up at least 10 times due to many quarrels.

And to prove the existence and validity of my source, I can tell you of one instance where NaoHao broke up in 2014.

One night, Ridhwan stayed over at Jian Hao's house but Jian Hao had forgotten to let Naomi know. The next day, Naomi broke up with Jian Hao with the reason that if Jian Hao can hide this from her, he can hide even more things from her. Of course, they were okay again and got back together.

However, this time, it seems, they have broken up for real.

Next, we will expose:
- Naomi's ex-boyfriend's testimonial of her
- JianHao being rude to non-fans



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. lol get a life. stop being so kpo bout other people's life. tats theirs. u so free issit?

  4. lol get a life. stop being so kpo bout other people's life. tats theirs. u so free issit?

  5. What dhaniah said isn't wrong you know. You think people like being talked behind their backs meh? How was he/she dumb. The dumb one would most definitely be you. Can't you see this whole blog is about cyberbullying a person? Clearly you can't see shit. No one deserves to be cyberbullied whether they are good or bad. People like you are the ones making our society look bad. Call me a dumb bitch or anything you want. But you might want to consider thinking through other people's point of view. Are you causing possible hurt to a person? Am I doing the right thing? How would others see me through this? Good luck on finding out ^^

  6. jinhoa and noami belong together

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