Thursday 8 January 2015

The problem with Naomi

Remember this saga?

It was EVERYWHERE so of course you remember. What you don't remember is the little things that happened and the bloggers who rode on this saga to get support. Aka Naomi Neo.

Despite Eunice Annabel defending Naomi Neo when Naomi was criticised by the public, when the saga broke out, Naomi took to Twitter to slam Eunice Annabel.

Eunice Annabel was informed and was obviously disappointed by her.

Naomi Neo even followed up with a blog post!

But Naomi, what about you?

This is just a very small part of what we are going to talk about. Stay tuned for more SURPRISING updates on your favourite bloggers and issues of Naomi and JianHao, aka Naohao or Jianmi ;)

TOMORROW'S UPDATE: Speishi, Thejianhaotan, Naomineo.

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