Tuesday 5 January 2016

Naomineo with her ex (NOT jianhao) ; Naomi Neo with Xavier

Sorry for the infrequent update but you know how it is with school. Anyhaos (hurhurhur), since we've been gone, our princess updated us, her fans, by exposing about her break up with Jianhao. Things are also getting a bit more complicated with our source as you can see how Jianhao, Naomi, Ridhwan etc are a bit messy now.

Here's some update though.

1... As per my previous post, I'll talk about Naomi's ex. Naomi is someone who doesn't like to settle down and she has more than a handful of exes. Today we're going to specifically talk about one of her firsts, from her lower secondary school days.

To protect their privacy, we will censor the boyfriend's names.
Firstly, we meet her first boyfriend, B. B is the one she lost her virginity to. One thing we cannot stand about Naomi is how she brands herself as the victim, how B took everything from her then threw her away.

We learn from our source that that's not the case.

After B, Naomi had another boyfriend, W. W revealed that Naomi is actually... How do we put this nicely hmm... Naomi is a very horny girl, simply put. She pressured him for sex and constantly asked him for sex.

Not that we think it's wrong but isn't it hypocritical of her to emphasise how she lost everything to B and got dumped but never mentioned the full story of how she enjoyed it as well?

Naomi has high sex drive and definitely enjoyed times with Jianhao. That's all.
2... Are Naomi and Xavier together?

Naomi herself said no but from what we at exposingnaomi see, there are two possibilities. 1, they are dating or 2, they are very very very flirty with each other.

Not confirm together but they might be testing things out since Naomi's freshly out of a relationship (not that it ever stopped her from flirting with guys though lol)

Even though Naomi said they are not together, who remembers when Naomi said Jianhao and her were not together and if she has a boyfriend, she'll definitely let her followers be the first to know?

Yeah, we remember.

What happens?

We only found out officially after their break up

:) :) :)

More updates soon!

Please comment and let us know any burning questions you have and we will try to ask our source!!! We haven't been updating as we don't know what else to talk about since Naomi's been keeping things down recently :(